Christine Holman retires as a Non-Executive Director

CSR Limited (ASX:CSR) announced today that Christine Holman has retired from the board as a Non-Executive Director, effective from today’s date. 

Ms Holman has been a Non-Executive Director of CSR since 2016.

CSR Chairman John Gillam said “Christine has made a strong contribution to CSR over the past six years, most recently as Chair of the board’s Safety & Sustainability Committee”.

“Christine has a passion for addressing climate change and we congratulate her on being elected to the board of AGL Energy Ltd.  We had agreed previously that, should Christine be elected to AGL’s board, she would step down from CSR noting the direct and indirect commercial relationships between the two organisations”.

Current Non-Executive Director, Nigel Garrard, will assume Ms Holman’s role as Chair of the Safety & Sustainability Committee.

CSR previously announced that Mr Adam Tindall will join the board as a Non-Executive Director, effective 16 January 2023.



This announcement has been authorised for release by the board of directors of CSR Limited.


Media and analyst enquiries: Andrée Taylor
CSR Limited Investor Relations
Tel: +61 2 9235 8053 Email: